Wednesday, February 8, 2012

why are they dating?

about this time three years ago i took an intrest in the entity called love. so over the last three years i have watched listened learned and experienced things that have given me a great understanding on the subject of love and relationships in general. so i have decided to finally set down and share with the world some of my findings . Starting with this.

Im sure you all have a female friend who is dating a guy that makes you think "why is she dating that a hole, jerk, or douche". for the sake of this discussion we will call this particular guy a "boy" and for those of us who have guy friends who date a woman that can be called a female dog we will just call them a "girl". So i always wondered why people where in relationship with people like this an i came to find it is because of one or more reasons out of 4. 

1 The first reason some one would be in a relationship with a "boy" or a "girl" is because they are either shallow or just ignorant or both. The shallow part is easy to understand its the primal feeling the lust. just a physical relationship so the "boy" or the "girls" attitude or personalty dose not matter. The ignorance half is simply getting played. The person is either to dumb, naive or inexperienced to realize that the "boy" or "girl" they are with are treating them bad and that they deserve better . You will hear them say things like "all couples fight" and "are arguments are good it makes us stronger". Both which they believe because they are un wise to what is actually going on. the only way to help a friend in this situation is open there eyes

2 The second and honestly the saddest reason people get with a "boy" or a "girl" is because they believe its the best they can get or they know nothing else but that kind of attitude. This normally happens due to either being rejected and denied by the opposite sex or due to family putting the individual down. Normally "boys" and "girls" prey on these type of people because they know they are weak. you will always hear these people say that they are afraid to leave the "boy" or "girl". you may also here them say they dont deserve love. the only way to help a friend in this situation is to boost there confidence

3 the third reason is straight forward. sometimes the reason your friend dates a "boy" or a "girl" is cause your friend is a "boy" or a "girl". in other words people with bad attitudes normally find others with bad attitudes because they know what is expected and know they dont have to change. Now normally  these relationships are normally rocky but work there way out. if your friends in one of the relationships there is nothing you can do

4 an finally the last reason your friend can be dating a "boy" or a "girl" is that they are in love. now im talking real love. not pupy love or lust. i mean unconditional love. they know the person they are with has that attitude but they except them for it and love them just the same. They are not getting played because they know whats going on and they love the other person for who they are. Agian there is nothing you can do for your friend in this situation.

so there you have it what do u think? agree disagree anything to add love to hear? 

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